Friday 11 November 2011

"To the Edge of the Plank and Back"- Character Page

This is the character page. What is different is that from this point on I will be doing basic colours, and then revisiting if I get the chance. Any comments and critical assessments is very welcome!

Creative Commons License
To the Edge of the Plank and Back by Cherie Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at


  1. Some corrections for your character page, my constructive criticism:
    On the run, not only from her mob-boss father, but from countless young men from whom she stole food and money. She's full of pizazz...
    "to send him back where he belongs." No comma.

    Your whole section on Hal is 2 big sentences. Say it aloud and find your natural gap you might need to reword it to find your breaks in the sentence.

  2. Cheers! I've made some changes and definitely looked into it. My lack of judgement definitely needs some outside help in every occasion.
