Friday 18 November 2011

"To the Edge of the Plank and Back"-Page 5+6

Okay, so this is indeed 2 pages in one, ooh yes I'm doing something fancy with this. I have never claimed, nor will I ever do so in my lifetime, to be good at drawing boats. What I can say is that I have done some research into perspective on boats, which is only a little apparent in this piece. All that I can hope is that my idea of the pages  showing a "boat" can be seen, and I can also hope to get better at drawing these tricky things soon! What I have done is worked with gradient colouring just for a little fun.
What I really like about this design though, is that the windows are "crafted" to look like teeth, and it just adds a little bit of a character to it.
This was originally drawn to face the other direction, but I shifted the image so that it eventually worked with the font.
Comments and constructive criticism welcome!

Creative Commons License
To the Edge of the Plank and Back by Cherie Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

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