Friday 11 November 2011

"To the Edge of the Plank and Back"

What do you do when you find yourself lost and away from home? This story is based around the life of Hal 'Hacker' Davis, Captain of the pirate ship "The Laughing Dutchman" who, through the series of unfortunate events, finds himself in the 'Roaring 20's'. Not only does he need to find a way back to his era, and his wife, but he also needs to defeat the monsters that have followed him into this new time. Within this story he also meets Lucille 'Lula' Davis, a rich mob-bosses daughter, who is on the run for money theft, as well as leaving a trail of deceived men behind her.
So, what is a Pirate to do when he is faced with these challenges, and all he can seemingly drink is water? Oh the dilemma!

Creative Commons License
To the Edge of the Plank and Back by Cherie Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

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